Jeremy Okai Davis

Jeremy Okai Davis’ website


Jeremy Okai Davis was born in Charlotte, NC in 1979. From a young age art was an outlet and way of existing in the world. His passion for art and painting led him to college. After graduating and receiving a BFA in Painting from the University of North Carolina-Charlotte in 2002 He spent 5 years in and around the city attempting to get his career going. In 2007 he moved to Portland, Oregon to pursue a more professional practice.

In his work, color use and fidelity to his subjects make them feel alive, but without being too literal. He attempts to present portraits that invite further exploration and investigation. The work features text and graphic elements from time to time. His goal is to make paintings that challenge the way we view people of color. His current work is more focused on his personal life and the current cultural climate.

Jeremy Okai Davis, GLEAN 2019 | Photo credit Mario Gallucci